This will guide you step by step to Add, modify and delete a patient


1. Add patient

2. Display patient data

3. Edit patient

4. Delete patient

1. Add Patient

Please visit the main screen, press on Add person icon

A new screen will appear to enter patient information. To add the patient photo, tab the photo icon at the top left of the screen. Note that all the fields are optional except the patient's name. After adding the data, Click on Save button to add the patient.

2. Display patient data

After creating Patient profile. you can modify her/his information at any time. At the main screen, press on the search icon. enter the patient “ID” or name. the patient list will be filtered, press on the appropriate result.

When you press on the selected patient, the app will display his/her information screen. You can notice the icons at the bottom of the screen.

3. Edit patient

From the patient list screen, please select a patient.

The app will display his/her information screen. Please tab the "Edit" icon

The patient data will be opened to modify his/her photo and other informations. Now you can edit all the data you need. After that tab the Save button.

4. Delete patient

From the patient list screen, please select a patient.

The app will display his/her information screen. Please tab the "Delete" icon

After tabbing the Delete icon a popup message will appear to get sure that you want to delete the patient. If you still want to delete the patient then press on the YES button
Note that you will not be able to retrieve a deleted patient.