At the main screen, press on the search icon. enter the patient “ID” or name. the patient list will be filtered, press on the appropriate result.
A new screen will appear. Please press on the "Blood Pressure" tab.
A screen will be displayed, offering adding new blood pressure, Please choose the needed data then press the save button
You can enter the date you need, Press on the icon at the bottom left of the screen.
The date pop-up window should appear,Please set the appropriate date then click "ok"
You can enter the time you need, press on the icon at the bottom right of the screen.
The time pop-up window should appear, Please set the appropriate time then click "ok"
You can write some important Note while entering blood pressure
At the main screen, press on the search icon. enter the patient “ID” or name. the patient list will be filtered, press on the appropriate result.
A new screen will appear. Please press on the "Blood pressure" tab.
A new screen will appear. Please press on the "Previous" tab. According to the data you saved, a list of blood pressure data will be displayed.
You can print a report of the blood pressure or send it to whom it may concern or draw a chart for blood pressure . please tab the icon at the top right of the screen
A small window will be appeared. please choose the action you want. In this case "print" selected.
After tabbing the "print" button. A pdf report will appear, which is ready for printing.
If you want to send the report to whom it may concern, please choose "send".
After tabbing the "send" button, a window will appear offering to send the report.
If you want to draw a chart for blood pressure, please choose "chart".
After tabbing the "chart" button, a chart window will appear.
You can switch the way the data is displayed, please press on the icon at the top right of the screen.
The data will be displayed in one table where the date read is a column from that table.
You can print a report of the blood pressure or send it to whom it may concern. please tab the three-dot icon as shown on the screenshot.
A small window will be appeared. please choose the action you want. In this case "print" selected.
After tabbing the "print" button. A pdf report will appear, which is ready for printing.
If you want to send the report to to whom it may concern, please choose "send".
After tabbing the "send" button, a window will appear offering to send the report.
You may filter the data, press on the search icon at the top right of the screen.
A pop-up window will appear, that offers a date-range filter, press on the date you need to change
A date pop-up window should appear, please set the appropriate date then click "ok"
After setting the appropriate date range, please click "ok"
Only the blood pressure in the date-range will be displayed
At the main screen, press on the search icon. enter the patient “ID” or name. the patient list will be filtered, press on the appropriate result.
A new screen will appear. Please press on the "Blood Pressure" tab.
A new screen will appear. Please press on the "Previous" tab. According to the data you saved, a list of blood pureress data will be displayed.
Please choose the blood pressure you want to edit, then press more icon at the right of the blood pressure row. a pop-up menu will appear; please tab the "Edit" button.
You will see a screen that displays the blood pressure infromation. Please modify the needed data then press the "Save" button.
At the main screen, press on the search icon. enter the patient “ID” or name. the patient list will be filtered, press on the appropriate result.
A new screen will appear. Please press on the "Blood Pressure" tab.
A new screen will appear. Please press on the "Previous" tab. According to the data you saved, a list of blood pressure data will be displayed.
Please choose the blood pressure you want to delete, then press the "Delete" Button.
A confirmation message will be displayed. You can Delete the blood pressure by pressing on the "YES" button. Note that you will not be able to recover the deleted data.